Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Macrovision s TV Guide and Sunflower Broadband Collaborate on Set-Top . Box Clickstream Measurement

Box Clickstream Measurement 18/05/2008 12:00:00 Business Wire Macrovision Solutions Corporation (NASDAQ:MVSND) and leading independent cable operator Sunflower Broadband today announced the planned deployment of a set-top box clickstream measurement solution for its TV Guide Interactive(R) i-Guide(TM), one of the cable industry s most widely-deployed interactive programming guides (IPG).
The collaboration marks the first planned clickstream deployment for Macrovision(R) and Sunflower Broadband(TM) to collect valuable IPG usage data that can be used to make consumers television experience more enjoyable.
The IPG usage patterns of an anonymous sample of Sunflower Broadband customers will be collected to help Macrovision gain insight into how consumers use i-Guide and interact with their DVR and on demand services and in-guide advertising.

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